On October 25 & 26, 2013 hundreds visited the Historic Ships Wharf for some Halloween Fun!
They found the perfect gourd for sea-themed jack-o’-lantern in the Northwest Seaport’s floating pumpkin patch! Little ghosts and goblins set sail for the haunted Historic Ships Wharf at South Lake Union, where spooky fall fun was found for the whole family!
PUMPKIN SHIP is being loaded by owner John Tibbs and Northwest Seaport volunteer George Strausser
PUMPKIN SHIP completed loading 300+ pumpkins at Kirkland City dock and voyaged to Lake Union Park’s Historic Ships Wharf Friday afternoon. PUMPKIN SHIP’s real life is that of F/V MOHAP. It is a 1938 35′X10′X4′ restored salmon/tuna wood double ender troller built in Lake Union, Seattle. It is owned by John and Brad Tibbs. Kirkland community members and employees from Alaska Structures joined the loading activities at Kirkland’s wharf (thank you!)
Hash House Harriers make Tugboat Pumpkin Patch visit Pumpkins were available to purchase to paint or carve and many sipped hot cider aboard the historic 1889 tugboat Arthur Foss as they explored the spooky ship and it’s pumpkin patch. Maritime-themed templates were available to help carve the perfect seaworthy squash. Folks of all ages arrived in all types of costumes.
Eric Hawley Giant Pumpkin Mermaid Oct 26 2013On Saturday, folks watched a giant pumpkin be transformed into a mermaid by carver Eric Hawley. He’s is a master sand sculptor and elevator mechanic by trade! Shane Briggs grew this 643-pound pumpkin which was featured at the 2013 Central Market weigh-in and placed 8th at the Scholz Pumpkin Palace weigh-in. (Some of us sailors were once 4-H’ers)