How To Pack Glassware For Moving

how to wrap glasses for moving


Are you wondering how to pack glasses for moving without them breaking? It can feel daunting, but with the right approach, you can protect your dishes and glassware. Using the correct materials and taking some care will help ensure your glasses, dishes, and other breakables arrive at your new home safely. This includes sturdy moving boxes and, for even better protection, consider moving boxes for glasses – they often have built-in dividers. Let’s learn how to pack glassware for moving.


The Best Packing Materials For Packing Glassware

Choosing the right packing materials is crucial for protecting your glassware during a move. Cardboard boxes are essential. You can use regular moving boxes, but for the most fragile items, consider investing in glass packing boxes and moving boxes for dishes. These specialized boxes often have dividers to separate glassware, minimizing damage risk. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • Cardboard boxes: Choose strong, sturdy boxes designed for moving dishes, like dish-pack boxes.
  • Bubble wrap: Provides excellent cushioning for fragile items.
  • Soft packing paper: Ideal for wrapping individual items.
  • Crumpled packing paper: Helps fill empty spaces and prevent items from shifting.
  • Packing tape: Used to secure boxes and wrapped items.
  • Markers: Useful for labeling boxes.


how to wrap glass for moving


How to Pack Glasses for Moving

Choosing the right packing boxes for glasses can make a big difference in protecting your fragile stemware and tumblers. While regular moving boxes work, consider investing in specialized packing boxes for glasses. These boxes often come with dividers, providing extra security for your glassware. Let’s dive into the best way to pack glasses and dishes:


  • Gather materials: Have all your materials ready before you start.
  • Wrap each glass individually: Use several sheets of packing paper. Gently tuck the paper inside the glass, then wrap it securely.
  • Add cushion: Place a layer of crumpled paper on the bottom of the box.
  • Place glasses upside down: This helps distribute weight away from the delicate rim.
  • Fill spaces: Use crumpled paper to fill gaps between glasses.
  • Add top layer: Place cardboard and more crumpled paper on top of the glasses.
  • Seal and label: Tape securely and label the box “Fragile” with the room it belongs in.


How to Pack Dishes for Moving

Now you may be wondering “How to pack dishes?” Packing dishes for a move requires a slightly different approach than packing glasses. To ensure your plates, bowls, and platters arrive intact, follow these simple steps for maximum protection. Here’s the best way to pack dishes:


  • Wrap each dish: Use packing paper just like for glasses.
  • Pack sideways: Stand plates and bowls on their sides, not stacked.
  • Add extra layers: Place a cardboard divider between layers of dishes.


how to wrap glasses for moving


How to Pack Wine Glasses for Moving

Wine glasses are especially delicate, so they need some extra care when packing for a move. Protect those precious stems and ensure your favorite glasses arrive ready for a celebratory toast with these steps:


  • Protect the stem: Wrap the stem with packing paper or bubble wrap.
  • Wrap as usual: Follow the wrapping process for regular glasses.
  • Pack upright: Place wine glasses upright in the box.


How to Pack Plates, Bowls, and Platters

Follow the same wrapping and packing steps outlined for dishes.


How to Pack Glass Vases for Moving

Don’t worry about your vases breaking during your move! With these straightforward steps, you can keep your vases safe and beautiful:


  • Wrap the vase in packing paper and secure it with tape.
  • Use crumpled paper for extra cushioning.
  • Fill the inside of the vase with crumpled paper.
  • Place in a box slightly larger than the vase, filling in space with packing materials.


How to Pack Securing Mirrors, Artwork, and Table Tops

Consult professionals for large, especially valuable, or awkward glass pieces. They have specialized packing techniques and equipment.


Helpful Tips for Moving with Glasses

Planning your move?  Make sure you know what to pack first when moving to streamline the process.

  • Pack heaviest items first: This provides a stable base in the box, preventing smaller items from being crushed.
  • Double-box fragile items: For added protection, consider placing wrapped glasses within a smaller box, and then inside a larger one with extra cushioning.
  • Don’t overpack boxes: Overstuffed boxes are prone to damage and are too heavy to lift safely.
  • Label clearly: Mark boxes as “Fragile” and indicate the specific contents (wine glasses, everyday dishes, etc.). This helps movers handle them with extra care.
  • Know the best way to pack glassware: Focus on wrapping each item carefully with packing paper, cushioning it well within the box, and paying attention to delicate areas like stems. 
  • Wrap carefully: Take your time, using plenty of packing paper. This is key to protecting your glassware during the move. Multiple layers of protection are best! 
  • Use specialized packing materials: Consider cell kits or dividers for glasses, and invest in dish-pack boxes for plates and bowls.
  • Fill empty spaces: Use crumpled packing paper, clothing, or towels to prevent items from shifting and bumping into each other.
  • Consider insurance: For especially valuable or irreplaceable items, moving insurance can provide peace of mind.


How to Pack Glassware Into a Truck or Vehicle

Place boxes with breakables on a flat, stable surface and make sure they’re labeled clearly.  Ideally, use glassware moving boxes for extra peace of mind. Cushion them with blankets, pillows, or other soft materials to prevent movement. Don’t stack heavy boxes on top.

Along with packing your glassware, remember your office! Here’s a helpful checklist for office moves to ensure everything goes smoothly.


Hire Professional Packers And Movers for Customizable Packing Services

If packing seems overwhelming, consider hiring professionals! Jordan River Moving offers packing services to take the stress out of your move. Contact us for a free quote and to learn more about our packing services. With these tips, your glassware will be ready to toast the start of a new chapter in your new home!


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Tips for Moving With Kids

how to move with kids


Uprooting your family and transitioning to a new home can be daunting, especially for young minds of younger kids. While excitement about new adventures might simmer, anxieties about leaving familiar faces and places can bubble over. Now the question arises; How To Move With Kids? Fear not! With thoughtful planning and open communication, moving with kids can be a positive and enriching experience. Discover key strategies to navigate this life change smoothly, from fostering excitement about the new chapter to establishing routines in your fresh start. Let’s embark on this journey together, ensuring a seamless transition for your little explorers! Here are the tips for moving with kids: 


Tip 1: Open the Door to Conversation

Imagine your child’s world being packed into boxes. Leaving familiar faces and places can be scary! This is why open and honest conversations are essential before moving. Before the big move, spark excitement and get kids moving by planning activities together and exploring local attractions. Here’s how to pave the way:


Be clear and calm

Explain the reasons for the move in a way your child understands. Use age-appropriate language and avoid overwhelming details. Remember, honesty builds trust, so be truthful even if kids feel the reason is complex.


Embrace questions and worries

Encourage your child to express their feelings, be it sadness, fear, or confusion. Listen actively and address their concerns with empathy and understanding. Validate their emotions and let them know it’s okay to feel the way they do.


Paint a positive picture

While acknowledging the change, highlight the exciting possibilities of the new location. Research together! Show them photos of the new house, neighborhood, or school. Point out fun amenities like parks, libraries, or museums. Spark their curiosity and help them envision the new house and all the new experiences waiting for them.


Engage their sense of adventure

Plan activities together! Look for local attractions they might enjoy, research cultural events, or create a “bucket list” for things to explore in the new place. Empower them to take ownership of their excitement and anticipation of the process.

Remember, communication is key! By having regular, open conversations about leaving friends, you can turn an unsettling transition into an exciting adventure for your child.


tips for moving with kids


Tip 2: Empower Little Helpers! Age-Appropriate Tasks for Big Adventures

Moving day chaos? Transform moving with children into a collaborative adventure by involving your little helpers in age-appropriate tasks! Your little helpers will feel valued, engaged, and excited about the new chapter. Here’s how:


Pack Like a Pro When Moving With Children

  • Little Hands, Big Impact: Let them pack their favorite toys, books, and treasures in their boxes. Label them together for easy unpacking later.
  • Unleash the Artist: Encourage them to personalize their boxes with drawings, stickers, or funny messages. It adds a touch of fun and helps them claim their space.


Preparing for New Horizons

  • Room Designer in Training: Show them pictures of their new bedroom and brainstorm decorating ideas together. Let them choose paint colors, furniture arrangements, or fun accessories to personalize their new haven.
  • Memory Keepers: Help them create a memory album filled with drawings, photos, or keepsakes from their old home. It offers comfort and reminds them of happy times while embracing the future.



  • Supervision with a Smile: While independence is key, ensure age-appropriate tasks and provide gentle guidance. Safety first!
  • Praise and Celebrate: Acknowledge their efforts with a “Super Helper!” badge, a fun outing, or their favorite treat. Positive reinforcement is crucial.

Remember, involving your children in the moving process isn’t just about chores; it’s about fostering collaboration, reducing anxiety, and creating positive memories of this life transition. Embrace their little hands and big ideas, and turn moving day into a stepping stone to their exciting new adventure!


Moving with kids


Tip 3: Routine Rescue: Anchoring Your Kids in Transition

Moving disrupts familiar routines, leaving little ones feeling adrift. Fear not! By anchoring your kids in a predictable schedule, you can transform chaos into calm. Discover how to move with kids by maintaining familiar routines, introducing adjustments gently, and providing comforting companions during the transition. Here’s how:


Familiar Shores

  • Maintain Mainstays: Stick to mealtimes, naps, and bedtimes as closely as possible. These familiar anchors provide comfort and stability during upheaval.
  • Prepare for Adjustments: Gently introduce changes like new time zones or new school commutes beforehand. Talk through the differences and answer questions patiently.


Comforting Companions

  • Pack the Bear Necessities: Don’t forget beloved stuffed animals, blankets, or other comfort objects. These furry friends bridge the gap between old and new, offering a sense of security.
  • Create New Traditions: Establish post-move rituals like reading bedtime stories in the new room and house. These shared moments build positive connections to the new environment.



  • Flexibility is Key: Unexpected bumps will occur. Adapt the schedule when needed, but aim for consistency wherever possible.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Mark special moments like unpacking the first box or making a new friend. These celebrations reinforce the positive aspects of change.

By prioritizing routines and providing comfort objects, you empower your kids to weather the storm of transition. Remember, consistency doesn’t mean rigidity; embrace flexibility while offering a predictable framework. This journey to your new home becomes an exciting adventure, not a scary storm that troubles kids, and you navigate it together.


Tip 4: Laughter is the Best Packing Box: Injecting Fun into Moving Mayhem

Moving with kids? Brace yourself for chaos, but remember, amidst the boxes and dust bunnies, lies an opportunity for an unforgettable adventure. Explore tips for moving with kids and turn the chaos of moving day into an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter and joy. Here’s how to bring fun and laughter into the mix:


Transform Travel Time

  • Road Trip Rhapsody: Ditch the silence! Crank up a moving playlist filled with sing-alongs and silly games. Destination bingo or “I Spy” can keep boredom at bay.
  • Treasure Trove Truck: Stock the car with surprises – new books, travel journals, or mini toys to discover throughout the journey.


Unpack the Fun

  • New Nest Nook: Let them lose on decorating their rooms! Provide paints, stencils, or fun furniture arrangements to personalize their new haven.
  • Treasure Hunt Time: Hide welcome treats or small gifts around the house for older children to discover, turning unpacking into a playful adventure.



  • Positive Vibes Only: Your attitude sets the tone. Embrace the adventure, share funny stories, and encourage laughter to combat moving day stresses.
  • Family Time Fiesta: Schedule movie nights, board games, or picnics with older kids – anything that fosters togetherness and strengthens your bond during this transition.

Moving doesn’t have to be a drag. By injecting the old house with fun and laughter, you can create lasting memories and remind your kids that even amidst change, joy, and adventure are always waiting to be unpacked.


Tip 5: Building New Roots: Helping Your Kids Bloom in Their New Home

Moving creates upheaval, but it’s also a chance to watch your kids blossom in a new environment. Here’s how to help them adjust and feel at home in the new city:


Unpack More Than Boxes

  • Create Cozy Corners: Let them personalize their rooms. Provide paint, furniture options, or themed decorations to turn their space into a reflection of their individuality.
  • Unwrap Familiarity: Pack comfort items like stuffed animals or photo albums. These anchors of the past bring warmth and a sense of security amidst change.


Explore Adventures Await

  • Become Neighborhood Detectives: Embark on exploration missions! Visit parks, libraries, or local landmarks. Let them discover hidden gems and feel connected to their new neighborhood or community.
  • Community Connections: Find activities they enjoy – sports teams, art classes, or clubs. Making new friends fosters belonging and eases the transition.



  • Be Their Cheerleader: Listen to their anxieties and celebrate their triumphs. Offer encouragement and understanding, especially to younger children, as they navigate unfamiliar territory.
  • Maintain Old Ties: Help them stay connected to cherished old friends and family back home. Video calls, shared activities, or even planting distance gardens can bridge the miles.

Moving can be daunting, but it’s also an opportunity for growth. By fostering a sense of ownership, exploration, and connection to new space, you can help your kids find their footing and flourish in their new home. Remember, this is a shared journey, so pack patience, celebrate small victories, and watch your little adventurers bloom!


Building New Memories, One Box at a Time When Moving with Kids

Remember, moving with kids isn’t just about logistics. It’s about hearts and homes. Follow these tips to foster open communication, build excitement, and ease anxieties. Together, you can turn this transition into a positive adventure! For expert, family-friendly assistance, reach out to Jordan River Moving. Our expertise makes your journey smoother, and our values make it feel like home.


Streamline Your Move: Discover the Perks of Hiring Professional Movers

hiring movers


Reasons to Hire Professional Movers For Smooth Moving

Transitioning to a new home is undoubtedly thrilling, but logistical hurdles can quickly turn excitement into exhaustion. Between meticulously packing, coordinating transportation, and meticulously unpacking at your destination, the process can devour precious time, energy, and resources. Thankfully, professional movers offer a solution, transforming your move into a smooth, stress-free experience.

These experts, well-versed in the art of relocation, possess the skills, equipment, and experience to handle any move, whether local or long-distance, residential or commercial, small-scale or expansive. By partnering with professionals, you unlock a treasure trove of advantages, paving the way for a seamless transition to your new haven. 


Why hiring a professional moving company can be your secret weapon for a successful and cost-effective move.


1. Save Time and Effort: Reclaim Your Precious Hours

The very thought of packing and hauling boxes evokes images of backaches and lost weekends. Let’s face it, DIY moves can eat away at your valuable time and energy, especially when considering the size and intricacies of your relocation. Thankfully, movers for hire act as your knight in shining armor, turning a potentially exhausting process into a streamlined experience.


Say Goodbye to Packing Marathons

Picture this: days or even weeks morph into mere hours or days thanks to their expertise. Hire movers and ensure your belongings are packed and transported efficiently, regardless of distance or volume.

But it’s not just about speed. Moving companies bring the know-how armed with the tools and techniques to pack your items with security and efficiency. From expert wrapping and labeling to organized box-stacking, furniture disassembly, and reassembly, they seamlessly handle tasks that might otherwise consume your time and energy. This frees you to focus on crucial aspects like utility setup, address updates, and settling into your new haven.

Let’s quantify the impact: a Zippia survey reveals that the average hiring process in 2021 took 42 days. If a new job triggers your move, that precious time might be scarce. By partnering with professionals, you’re not just saving time. You’re potentially meeting crucial deadlines. A FinancesOnline study found that professional moving companies can cut your moving time by 50% or more. Imagine the possibilities!


hire movers near me


2. Protect Your Belongings: Peace of Mind in Every Box

Moving carries inherent risks, especially when precious belongings like fragile heirlooms, valuable artwork, or bulky furniture take center stage. Without the proper packing materials, specialized equipment, or reliable transportation, safeguarding your treasures can feel like an uphill battle. But fear not! A reputable moving company comes equipped with the tools and expertise to transform this anxious process into a stress-free journey.


Protecting Your Treasures

Imagine this: high-quality boxes, protective bubble wrap, and soft blankets cradle your possessions, held securely by sturdy straps, navigated on specialized dollies and ramps, and finally loaded onto modern, well-maintained trucks. This isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s the professional moving company standard.


Insurance Options for Complete Peace of Mind

But the protection doesn’t stop there. These experts understand the importance of comprehensive insurance, offering diverse options like basic liability, full value protection, or third-party coverage, tailor-made to your specific needs and preferences. So, breathe easy knowing accidents or unforeseen events won’t leave you financially burdened.


From Fragile to Bulky: We’ve Got You Covered

Their meticulousness extends beyond generic packing materials. For unique items like antiques, artwork, electronics, instruments, and glassware, they deploy a specialized arsenal: foam sheets, corrugated boxes, custom crates, padding, cushioning, and inflatable packing materials. Think scratch-proof, dent-resistant, and crack-free delivery – a promise they take seriously.

Remember, these experts have seen it all and possess the ingenuity and resources to ensure your belongings arrive at their new home safe and sound. So, ditch the worry lines and embrace the peace of mind that comes with hiring movers.


3. Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Unburden Yourself for a Seamless Transition

Moving often conjures images of frantic packing, logistical nightmares, and an ever-present knot of tension in your stomach. Deadlines loom, tasks multiply, and unexpected hurdles threaten to derail the entire process. Sound familiar? This emotional rollercoaster is precisely why moving services can be your stress-busting secret weapon.


The Stress-Busting Power of Planning and Coordination

Picture this: meticulous planning, expert coordination, and flawless execution, tailored to your schedule and budget. These masters of relocation handle the intricate dance of your move, leaving you free to breathe easy and focus on the excitement of your new chapter.


Move with Confidence

But their value extends beyond logistics. They act as your buffer against unexpected challenges, be it inclement weather, traffic snarls, or mechanical mishaps. Equipped to handle any curveball, they ensure your move stays on track and stress-free. What’s more, they keep you informed and supported throughout, providing regular updates and readily available assistance.


Enjoy the Excitement, Leave the Worry to Us

Let’s put a face to this relief. John, one of our satisfied clients, recently made a long-distance move from Seattle to Miami. Faced with mountains of belongings, family needs, and pet concerns, stress was his constant companion. “Hire movers near me was a game-changer,” he enthused. “Their careful packing, efficient loading, and on-time delivery of everything in pristine condition brought me immense peace of mind. They even helped me navigate the paperwork and insurance, taking another weight off my shoulders. My move transformed from a potential disaster into a smooth and stress-free experience, and I can’t recommend them highly enough!”


professional mover


4. Save Money and Avoid Hidden Costs: Stretching Your Budget Further

The allure of DIY seems appealing initially, especially when finances are tight. However, when considering the true cost of a self-move, hidden expenses often lurk around the corner, ready to ambush your budget. Packing supplies, equipment rentals, fuel, tolls, labor – the list can quickly snowball, eating away at your savings.


Transparent Quotes and Expert Efficiency

Moving companies, however, become your financial allies, offering transparency and accuracy from the get-go. Their detailed quotes outline all service costs, fees, and taxes, leaving no room for surprises. Moreover, discounts, deals, and packages can bring the price down further, making their services even more attractive.

The benefits extend beyond upfront costs. Their efficiency and expertise minimize additional charges like extra labor, storage, or waiting fees. Your move unfolds on time and within budget, eliminating unnecessary expenses.


Maximize Your Budget, Minimize Your Stress

For proof, look no further than Architectural Digest’s eye-opening comparison. Moving a typical two-bedroom apartment, they discovered professional moving services could save you up to $500 in hidden costs alone! Packing supplies, truck rental, gas, insurance, and labor – all these expenses melt away when you hire a mover.

But remember, the value goes beyond dollars and cents. Peace of mind, convenience, and safety are invaluable assets that a professional mover readily delivers. So, before embarking on a potentially costly DIY adventure, consider the long-term savings and added benefits that partnering with professionals can offer. Your stress levels and wallet will thank you!


5. Get Professional Advice and Assistance: Navigate the Moving Maze with Ease

Moving can feel like navigating a labyrinth, brimming with paperwork, permits, regulations, and unfamiliar territories. This is where a professional moving company becomes your compass and guide, ensuring your journey is smooth and stress-free.


Customs, Taxes, and Laws Demystified

Imagine expert advice readily available, simplifying the complexities of permits, licenses, and clearances. Need to comply with destination customs, taxes, or laws? Leave it to the professionals. They effortlessly navigate these hurdles, saving you time and potential headaches.


Strategic Planning for a Smooth Move

But their expertise extends beyond paperwork. Think strategic planning: the best time, route, and mode of transportation for your specific needs. Whether it’s a local shuffle or an international voyage, they possess the knowledge and resources to optimize your move.


Beyond Paperwork: Special Requests Handled

Special requests? No problem! Packing, unpacking, storage, or disposal – they handle it all. And if questions or concerns arise, their friendly and knowledgeable team is just a call away.


International Expertise for a Seamless Transition

Now, consider the complexities of international moves: visas, passports, customs, quarantine, currency exchange, and language barriers – the list goes on. Hiring a moving company that specializes in international relocation transforms your transition into a seamless experience. They understand the legalities, logistics, and cultural nuances, paving the way for a smooth arrival in your new home.


Support That Goes Beyond the Move

Remember, their support doesn’t end there. They offer valuable tips and resources to help you acclimate to your new environment, making the adjustment period easier and more enjoyable.

So, ditch the confusion and embrace the guidance of a hire-moving company. With their expertise by your side, your move becomes a well-navigated journey, leading you effortlessly to your new beginning.


Ditch the Hassle, Embrace Ease: Conclude Your Move with Confidence

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful. By partnering with professionals, you unlock a treasure trove of benefits, transforming your move into a streamlined and enjoyable experience. Compare quotes from reputable movers or research companies that align with your needs and budget, and confidently step into your new chapter with a smooth and stress-free move.

Remember, a successful move paves the way for a positive start in your new home. Hire a moving company, invest in peace of mind, and let the experts handle the heavy lifting. Contact us for more details!

How to Find Professional Moving Companies in Seattle and Conquer Your Big Move

moving company seattle


Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful and chaotic experience. Not in Seattle, with its vibrant energy and stunning scenery. But finding the best movers in Seattle can make all the difference between a smooth transition and a logistical nightmare.

Fear not, fellow Seattleites! This guide is your roadmap to navigating the maze of the best moving companies, in Seattle and finding the perfect team to carry your belongings and your peace of mind to your new home.


Step 1: Know Your Needs

Before diving into a sea of seattle moving companies, take a moment to define your moving needs. Are you planning a local move within Seattle or venturing further for a long-distance journey? How much stuff do you have? Do you need packing services, storage solutions, or just a sturdy moving truck and a capable crew from one of the moving companies in Seattle WA?


Step 2: Research Like a Pro

With your needs in mind, it’s time to explore the landscape of moving companies in Seattle. Check out online reviews on platforms like Yelp and Google My Business. Look for the best Seattle movers with a proven track record of satisfied customers in Seattle.


Step 3: Get Those Quotes Rolling

Don’t settle for the first price tag you see. Contact several best moving companies in Seattle and request free quotes. Be sure to provide accurate details about your move, including the size of your home, distance, and desired services to the Seattle movers. This will help you compare apples to apples and find the best moving companies in Seattle WA for your budget.


best moving company seattle


Step 4: Look Beyond the Price Tag

While competitive pricing is important, don’t base your decision solely on the cheapest quote. Consider factors like insurance coverage, reputation, and the company’s commitment to stress-free moving. Look for professional moving teams with experienced crews and a clear understanding of your needs.


Step 5: Trust Your Gut (and the Paperwork)

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, schedule in-person consultations with your top contenders. This is your chance to ask questions, get a feel for the company’s vibe, and ensure everything aligns with your expectations. Don’t forget to read the fine print! Review the contract carefully before signing, making sure you understand the terms and conditions, particularly regarding insurance and liability for moving companies in seattle washington.


Bonus Tip: Embrace the Green Side

Seattle takes its environmental footprint seriously, and you can, too! Consider eco-friendly seattle movers with sustainable practices, like using recycled packing materials and fuel-efficient vehicles. After all, your move doesn’t have to weigh heavily on the planet.

With these tips in hand, finding the perfect moving company in Seattle becomes a breeze. Remember, a successful move starts with preparation, research, and choosing a team that prioritizes your needs and your peace of mind. So, take a deep breath, embrace the Emerald City spirit, and conquer your move with confidence!


moving companies in seattle


The Benefits of Hiring Professional Movers for Your Local Move

Moving can be a stressful and exhausting experience, especially if you try to do it all by yourself. That’s why hiring professional movers for your local move is a smart and convenient choice. Professional movers can make your moving process easier, faster, and safer, saving you time, money, and hassle. Here are some of the benefits of hiring professional movers for your local move:

  • They have the expertise and experience to handle any type of move, whether it’s a small apartment or a large house, a short distance or a long distance, a simple relocation, or a complex one. They know how to pack, load, transport, unload, and unpack your belongings with care and efficiency, avoiding any damage or loss.
  • They have the equipment and resources to handle any moving challenge, such as heavy furniture, fragile items, stairs, narrow hallways, or bad weather. They have moving trucks, dollies, pads, straps, tools, and boxes that are suitable for your move. They also have storage services and packing services that you can use if you need extra space or assistance.
  • They have the insurance and license to protect you and your belongings from any liability or risk during the move. They are bonded and insured, which means that they are responsible for any damage or injury that may occur during the move. They also have a license that proves that they are qualified and authorized to operate as a moving company in your area.
  • They have the reputation and customer service to ensure your satisfaction and peace of mind. They have positive reviews, ratings, and testimonials from previous customers who have used their moving services. They also have transparent communication and flexible scheduling that cater to your needs and preferences. They will provide you with a free estimate, a detailed contract, and a clear explanation of the moving process.

As you can see, hiring professional movers for your local move has many benefits that you can enjoy. Whether you need a full-service moving company or just a moving truck and a crew, you can find the best movers in Seattle who can meet your needs and exceed your expectations. All you have to do is contact one of the quality moving companies in Seattle and request a free estimate. You will be amazed by how easy and stress-free your local move can be with the help of professional Seattle movers!



And don’t forget: Jordan River Moving is always here to help! As a local Seattle moving company with a dedication to professionalism and stress-free moving, we’re happy to answer your questions and tailor our services to your unique needs. Contact us today for a free quote, and let’s make your Seattle move an amazing experience!


Things To Do In Kent Washington

fun things to do in kent


Located within the Seattle-Tacoma area, Kent, Washington, offers a variety of attractions and activities for everyone to enjoy. Kent offers many adventurous activities like natural landscapes and cultural and entertainment venues. Some of the top attractions to experience while in Kent include:

  • Visiting the Tahoma National Cemetery
  • Exploring the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum
  • Strolling through Kent Station
  • Experiencing the excitement at the ShoWare Center
  • Enjoying the adrenaline rush at Pacific Raceways

Whether you are into outdoor adventures, whole family activities, cultural experiences, or exploring new food, Kent has an activity for you!


Tahoma National Cemetery

Tahoma National Cemetery is a historical landmark with a rich history and deep cultural importance. The Department of Veterans Affairs created the Cemetery on November 11th, 1993, from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources for $1.6 million. The Tahoma National Cemetery serves as a place of honor and remembrance for the veterans and their families. Those who visit this Cemetery can experiment with the meticulously kept grounds, the perfect place to stroll around for reflection and remembrance.


Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum

The Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum is an institution that serves as the nation’s main source of historical and educational information on hydroplane racing. The following are some of the key points to truly understand the significance:


Historical Significance

The museum depicts the rich history of racing in the Pacific Northwest. Each visitor will leave with a thorough understanding of the sport’s development and significance to the area.


Kent Station

Kent Station is a vibrant area with a shopping center, dining options, a cinema, and residential units. Kent Station is a vibrant hub within the heart of downtown Kent, which offers many different amenities and services to its visitors and residents alike.

Kent Station also serves as a transportation center, which provides access to Sounder commuter rail and local and regional bus services. Kent Station is known for hosting many community events and activities, making it a common gathering place for the local community.


what to do in kent


ShoWare Center

ShoWare Center, similar to the Washington State Convention Center, is an arena that serves as an entertainment and sports venue within the area. The ShoWare Center hosts many events like concerts, sports competitions, family shows, and community gatherings. The arena seats up to 7,000 people and is home to the Seattle Thunderbirds, a major junior ice hockey team, and the MASL Tacoma Stars, a professional indoor soccer team. The Washington State Convention Center usually holds the bigger sporting events.


Pacific Raceways

Pacific Raceways is an area used in road and drag racing. The race track first opened in 1960, features a 2.250 mi road course used for automobile road racing by organizations like SCCA, SOVREN, and ICSCC, as well as for motorcycle road racing by the Washington Motorcycle Road Racing Association (WMRRA). The facility even includes a dragstrip, which hosts the NHRA Camping World Drag Racing series Northwest Nationals, and a dirt motocross track. Pacific Raceways has a deep history, hosting many significant events like the Pacific Northwest Grand Prix and several rounds of the SCCA Trans-Am Series.


Clark Lake Park

Clark Lake Park is a beautiful 130 park surrounding a lake, offering visitors the perfect natural environment. The park includes walking trails, public art displays, and even the opportunity to fish. This is the perfect place to do so for those looking for a scenic walk!


Kubota Garden

Located just outside Kent, Kubota Garden is a Japanese garden that blends Japanese design techniques with native Northwest plants. This combination creates a stunning landscape of hills, valleys, streams, waterfalls, ponds, bridges, and rock outcropping. The Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Kubota Garden Foundation maintain the garden as a public park.

Kubota Garden is a serene and picturesque setting, offering a peaceful retreat and rich plant material. Visitors can explore the garden’s trails, enjoy the natural beauty, and learn about the significance of Japanese gardening in the area. Kubota Garden is a hidden gem that uniquely blends Japanese and Northwest horticultural traditions, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts and garden lovers.


things to do kent wa


Custom Tours Attractions Adventure

Those visiting Kent can choose from a wide variety of tours and day trips. Each option offers a unique experience, reaching many different interests.


Discover Nature

Kent and its surrounding areas offer opportunities for nature exploration, including parks, trails, and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy day trips to local parks such as Clark Lake Park, which features walking trails and a serene natural environment.


Savor Seattle Food Tours

Those who enjoy eating a variety of food can join the Seattle City tour that highlights the local dining scene. This offers a taste of diverse cuisine found throughout Kent.


Argosy Cruises

A day trip just outside of Kent could include harbor cruises, which offer an amazing perspective of the city and its waterfront.


Mt. Rainier Gondola

Mount Rainier, which is a prominent natural attraction of the region, includes gondola rides, hiking, and sightseeing.


Beneath the Streets

Visitors can explore the underground, which provides an insight into the historical architecture and interesting stories of Seattle’s underground passages. The tour activity duration takes a few hours to get through so make sure you set aside plenty of time!


Snoqualmie Falls

Day trips Snoqualmie Falls offers visitors the chance for adult scenic landscapes like a 268-foot waterfall.


Day bus tour

There are many companies that will take you to a wide range of activities, including Pacific Alaska Tours, Transportainment Northwest, Totally Seattle city tour, and much more! Most day bus tours of Kent are at relatively cheap prices.


Olympic National Park

Just a short drive away from Kent along the Olympic Peninsula, which offers millions of acres and encompasses diverse ecosystems.


Kent Farmers Market

The Kent Farmers Market offers a variety of products, including produce, crafts, and food vendors, and also provides electricity for a fee. The market is a short drive away from the adult private Georgetown neighborhood.


Tukwila Family Fun Center & Bullwinkle’s Restaurant

The Tukwila Family Fun Center & Bullwinkle’s Restaurant is an amusement park and family entertainment center located just outside of Kent, WA. The center offers many different amusement park attractions like go-karts, bumper boats, mini-golf, and other activities for families and groups. The Bullwinkle’s Restaurant offers many different food options like pizza and burgers. The center hosts a range of entertainment options, including laser tag, a roller coaster simulator, and a four-level play area called “Kidopolis” for younger visitors.


Alki Beach Tour

Alki Beach in Seattle, Washington, offers various tour options for visitors to explore the area. Here are some popular tour options:

  • Alki Beach Tour – Kayak

    • Alki Kayak Tours offers sea kayak tours from the Seacrest Boathouse to the Alki Lighthouse and back, providing beautiful views of the islands and the westside of Elliott Bay
  • Alki Beach Tour – Bike

    • Wheel Fun Rentals provides self-guided bike tours of Alki Beach and West Seattle, starting from their location at Alki Beach.



In conclusion, Kent, Washington, offers a diverse range of activities and attractions for visitors and residents alike. From exploring the serene natural beauty of Olympic National Park to experiencing the rich history of the Tahoma National Cemetery and the excitement of the ShoWare Center, there is something for everyone. Whether it’s enjoying the tranquility of nature, exploring cultural attractions, or engaging in thrilling activities, Kent, WA, provides a variety of options to suit different interests and preferences. Contact us or visit Jordan River Moving and Storage to know more!

Moving Your Business – A Complete Guide

office moving and shifting


Apart from quarterly reviews, one of the most stressful situations for a business would be moving to another state. This process can be complex and challenging, with many factors that one must consider. Some factors that complicate this process are the legal requirements, financial implications, and the logistics of the moving process. A clear plan and a thorough understanding of the steps involved help ensure you can move a business to another state with ease.


Legal Considerations

One of the major factors to consider when moving your business to another state is the legal considerations. Each state has many specific laws depending on the type of business you run. If you have a sole proprietorship, you can move the business register to the new state. However, if it is a corporation, you will have to follow one of three options:

  • Continue with the same business in the original state and then register as a foreign corporation in the new state.
  • Dissolve the corporation in the old state.
  • Start it anew in the new state.
  • File a foreign qualification in the second state.

It is vital to consult an attorney to ensure your business entity follows every local, state, and federal law during your transition to another state. Some common legal considerations include the cost of complying with different regulations, the cost of applicable licenses to operate in the new state, and the availability of tax incentives from a new municipality.


movers business plan


Financial Considerations

In addition to legal considerations, the financial aspects of moving a business to another state are also critically important.

  • Cost of Moving – moving can be expensive, and for a business, it can be even more costly. Hiring a commercial moving company, packing, and transporting the business equipment and supplies can add up quickly.
  • Overhead Costs – Overhead costs could include a lease, mortgage payments, utilities, shipping, and wages could be altered.
  • Taxes – the tax rates for the city, county, and state, along with tax incentives and property taxes, may change depending on the city you are moving from and to.
  • Compliance Costs – complying with revised regulations, new licenses, and applicable licenses to operate in the new state are extremely important.


Staffing Considerations

Staffing considerations are another essential aspect to consider when your business is transitioning to another state.

  • HR Planning – HR staffing must be based on the company’s skills inventory, objectives, and other influences that could impact its ability to provide a workforce.
  • Staffing Plan – creating a staffing plan will help ensure you hire the correct amount of workers.
  • Budget and Projected Growth – it is also important to consider the budget for the forthcoming year and identify trends to determine if the business is likely to grow.
  • Temporary vs Permanent Workers – if you are concerned about the cost of hiring full-time workers or need a few more workers for a short project, temporary workers are an excellent option. Temporary workers will help a company save money as the company does not have to pay benefits in most cases.


Community Impact Considerations

The impact on the community is an important consideration to keep in mind when moving a business to another state. Some of the most important factors to consider are as follows:

  • Employment and Tax Base – transitioning a business could impact the local economy and tax revenues.
  • Other Businesses – a new business could drastically affect the other companies in the area.
  • Property Values – the property values could rise or fall depending on the type of business.
  • Social Impacts – the social impact of an area could drastically change with a new business moving into the area.


moving a business from one state to another


Future Growth Capabilities Considerations

The future growth capabilities considerations are a vitally important aspect when moving a business to a different state. The following are some of the most important factors to consider:

  • Capability Building ensures your business can adapt to future changes and challenges. The company will be ready for the future by curating important skills and behaviors.
  • Growth Strategy – the growth strategy is essential to make sure a business can grow and expand in the new state. By identifying the different areas for growth, conducting both market and industry research, and holding stakeholders accountable, the business will be well-prepared for the transition.


Checklist for Moving a Business to a New State

A checklist for moving a business to a new state will help improve the complex process. The following is a quick checklist to remember when moving a business to a different state.

  1. Begin planning early
  2. Consider staffing issues
  3. Identify any business changes required
  4. Keep track of any moving expenses
  5. Consider the legal structure of your business
  6. Apply for a business license in the new state. Local business licenses could change depending on the location so it is important to research them so you are in good standing for your new corporation.
  7. Inform the IRS about the move by updating the business address. Failing to provide your new location could create many tax implications, hurting your income tax. Your tax ID number is important to update, otherwise, you could be facing major tax consequences.
  8. Consider the cost of moving, which could include a commercial moving company.
  9. Consider any impacts on the local economy, other businesses in the community, property values, social fabric, and community resources.
  10. Create a growth strategy, ensuring the business can grow and expand in a new location.


Understanding The Options To Transfer LLC To Another State

The first option is the domestication of the company to a foreign country. Consequently, it is critical to comprehend their differences before selecting the optimal method that will benefit your business.


Merger – Form A New Corporation or LLC And Merge The Old

Another option for formal transfer is to form a corporation in the new state and merge the existing corporation or LLC. This is a legally-administered transaction and requires compliance with all merger laws in your corporation. Generally, a merger is to be done to transfer assets of non-surviving entities to new states as property of non-surviving entities.


Foreign LLC Registration: Operating in Multiple States

A foreign registered entity can conduct a business activity within a territory outside the country where they were established and is registered by a state. The options allow for an LLC to operate in multiple states without dissolving the existing LLC. To register an overseas company, an applicant must verify their qualifications and then file the application form with the appropriate agency. While registration is an advantage in a country abroad, it has many challenges.


Stay On Top Of Business License And Permit Requirements

Before attempting a business in your native state, make sure that you know the required licensing requirements. It can include tax registration for remitting and reporting taxes on taxable merchandise. Do you know that illegally conducting business may result in serious consequences? A business permit or state-licensed business permit in your current country must also be canceled and a business permit must be issued for the new state.


Will I Need To Obtain A New Employer Identification Number If I Am Transferring My LLC To Another State?

You will not be obligated to obtain a new EIN if you transfer an LLC to another state.


Which States Allow LLC Domestication?

State which supports domestication. Alaska – Professional firms. Arizona – Companies. Arkansas – LLC. California – Corporation. Colorado LLC and Corporation Formation. Delaware Corporation, LLC. D.C. – Corporations and LLCs. Florida- LLC and corporation.


What Is The Easiest State To Register A Business In?

Delaware is known as a well-known corporate state that offers many opportunities for out-of-state businesses. 68.4% of Fortune 500 companies incorporated businesses in Delaware are registered with NASDAQ.



One of the most stressful things a business can go through is a complete move to another state. There are many things a business owner must consider when moving their company, like legal, financial, staffing, community impact, and future growth capabilities. Business owners should use the checklist to ensure they remember everything important in their move. For more information visit Jordan River Moving.



When Is The Best Time To Move: Winter Moving Tips

moving time


Moving can be an extremely challenging and stressful experience, and picking the right time to undergo this process can make a major difference. Many people prefer to move during the summer months; it is only natural as that offers many advantages. However, it may be surprising to hear that moving in the winter months can be the ideal time to move for many different reasons.


When Is the Best Season To Move?

The best season to move ultimately depends on a few different factors, like a personal situation, budget, and personal preferences. The popular choice is to move during the off-season, which is considered mid-September through April. Moving during the off-season offers more availability and scheduling flexibility when going through professional movers. With more availability and fewer shipments, your items are more likely to arrive on time or quicker than during the peak season. In addition to flexibility and availability, the price is typically the cheapest in the winter months as well.


Best Months to Move

The best months to move are typically considered to be November and December. These two months are usually the best as the moving companies are the slowest, and many people do not want to move during the holidays. Because of these factors, the rates are usually lower, and ultimately, more resources are available to move.

If the main concern is cost, a great time to move is September through April, which is considered late fall through early spring, otherwise known as the winter months.


winter moving


Things to Consider about Moving in the Winter Season

Despite the fact that moving in the Winter offers many advantages, there are a few things to consider before you begin the move.

  • Flexibility – given the fact that you are moving during a time when winter weather can be unpredictable, you must be prepared to be flexible. It is vital to keep an eye on upcoming weather.
  • Packing in Advance – it helps to pack your non-essential items in advance so you are able to move them at a moment’s notice.
  • Prepare the Home – make sure you clear your walkways and driveway of all snow and ice to ensure it is safe to move your items.
  • Protect Your Belongings – make sure your items are wrapped in plastic or waterproof material to protect them from winter weather like snow and rain.
  • Communicate With Movers or Truck Rental – maintain contact with your movers or rental truck company in case you need to make changes to your plans.


Winter Moving Tips

If you are planning on making the move during the winter months, there are many tips to remember when preparing to move. With proper planning and preparation, a middle-of-winter move can move smoothly and stress-free. Here are some of the most advantageous tips to remember when moving when it is cold outside.

  • Keep an eye out for inclement weather, and make sure you adjust your plans if necessary.
  • It also helps to start moving your items early in the day as there are fewer daylight hours for a winter move.
  • Pack an emergency kit that includes winter supplies like warm clothing, blankets, and a first aid kit.
  • Hire professional movers to both load and unload your belongings. Moving companies will have much more experience moving in the Winter, meaning they will be equipped to deal with any hiccups that could occur.
  • Wear many layers when moving to stay warm; it is always easy enough to take your clothes off!
  • Keep clean sheets and pillows ready to go along with your winter gear, so it is prepared for moving day.


winter moving and storage


The Pros of Moving During the Winter

There are a number of advantages to moving in the winter months: 

  • Companies are much less busy, leading to lower rates and higher availability.
  • Storage facilities are considerably less during the winter months.
  • The winter months offer some of the lowest real estate housing market costs.


Disadvantages to moving in the Winter

Although there are many advantages to moving in the Winter, there are quite a few drawbacks as well.

  • Weather is unpredictable in the Winter, meaning you may have to change your moving plans multiple times if you hit bad weather.
  • If You Have School-Age Children, moving during the school year could be complicated if you have to change schools.
  • Safety Hazard – going along with unpredictable weather, if you are traveling in poor weather conditions, you could experience dangerous driving conditions. This could include extreme cold or snowy or icy conditions.
  • Holidays – depending on when you are moving, you could end up missing out on the holidays, which is always an already busy time of the year.


Contact Jordan River Moving for Winter Moving and Storage

Moving in the winter season is actually one of the most beneficial times of the year to go through the moving process. Availability of moving companies is high, rates are significantly lower, and even storage facilities are cheaper during this time of the year. If you plan to move in the winter months, it is imperative to follow the different tips and strategies to make sure the process is smooth and efficient.

For those who have an upcoming move, consider contacting the professional moving company Jordan River Moving & Storage. We offer many different moving services, which include local moving, long-distance moving, international moving, and even commercial moves. With our experience and expertise, we can make sure your move goes flawlessly. For a free quote, contact us here to get started.


Renting a Storage Unit – What to Know About Storage Facilities

rent a storage unit


In today’s world, space is an essential and premium commodity, so much so that many people have to turn to self-storage facilities to rent storage space.  If you lack space at home, are in the middle of a move, or are looking for a space to store belongings, understanding the specific details of renting a storage unit is imperative. This article will cover many different factors of renting a storage unit and even tips and tricks to help you maximize your storage rental investment. Whether you are a storage veteran or completely new to the process, there is always something valuable to learn about this specific aspect of modern living.


What is a Storage Unit

A storage unit is a piece of rented space, usually within a self-storage facility, designed to provide individuals, businesses, or organizations with a place to store their belongings. The units come in many sizes and configurations and could be used for short-term and long-term storage needs. The most common reasons to use the storage unit are personal storage, moving or relocating, business storage, renovations, vehicle storage, and document and archive storage.

The storage units are usually rented on a month-to-month basis, depending on what type of storage the unit is used for. Some companies have longer lease agreements with storage facilities for better rates. It is common to find storage units behind gated facilities with excellent security features like surveillance cameras.


How do Storage Units Work?

Storage units provide individuals, businesses, and organizations with a safe and convenient place to store their personal belongings, possessions, or even inventory. The following is a step-by-step guide for how the storage units work.

  1. Renting A Unit

    1. It begins with researching storage facilities in your area. After comparing the pros and cons of the different facilities, choose the facility that meets your needs the most.
    2. Once you have chosen the storage facility, you need to contact that manager to inquire about availability, sizes, and rental rates.
  2. Signing a Rental Agreement

    After selecting your facility and specific storage unit, you will need to sign a rental agreement. The rental agreement will typically have your storage rental’s particular terms and conditions. This usually includes the monthly rent, payment due dates, and the security deposit required.

  3. Identification and Contact Information

    During the rental agreement, you must provide a government-issued form of identification like a driver’s license and contact information.

  4. Security Access

    After you have signed the rental agreement, you will get a key, lock, and a security card/access code is required.

  5. Moving In

    After you access your storage unit, you start moving in your belongings! Some facilities may even offer free truck rentals, dollies, or carts to help with the move-in process.

  6. Accessing Your Unit

    Renters can access their units during the facility’s operating hours.

  7. Moving Out

    Remember to check your rental agreement if you no longer need the storage unit. Some agreements have a specified process for how to end the rental agreement. You can move your belongings out after you have notified the storage facility. Remember to completely clean the unit and leave it just as it was when you first moved in. Once you are ready to move on from the team, remember to return the key and lock for the storage unit.


What should I look for in a Storage Unit?

If you are beginning your search for a storage unit, there are several factors to consider to ensure you find the storage facility that best meets your needs.

  • Location is a major factor in choosing a conveniently located facility.
  • Size – It helps to understand what size storage unit you need. It is pointless to pay for a team that is either too small or too big for your belongings.
  • Security – regardless of your storage, security should be a major factor. Choosing a facility with better security measures like gated access, video monitoring, well-lit premises, and even on-site personnel is important.
  • Access Hours – Each facility is different; some facilities offer 24-hour access while others have a stricter time for access.
  • Climate-Controlled Storage Unit – if you store sensitive items like electronics, artwork, or furniture, choosing a unit with climate control will help protect your belongings. Climate-controlled units are typically more expensive. However, if you plan to store furniture or are in an area with extreme temperatures, this may be necessary.
  • Insurance – Many storage facilities offer insurance options for your items, which may be helpful based on your storage needs.
  • Pricing and Fees – this is another major section, as it is vital to understand the facility’s monthly rent and any other fees.


Tips for Renting a Storage Unit

While the renting process is fairly straightforward, there are a few specific tips to apply when going through the process.

  1. Determine Your Specific Needs – it helps to make a list of items you plan to store, giving you an idea of the unit size required.
  2. Research Facilities – Before using a storage facility, compare the different facilities near you and the pros and cons of each facility.
  3. Visit in Person – visiting the facility in Person will give you a much better picture of how reputable the facility is.
  4. Check Accessibility – ensure the facility’s access hours align with your schedule. If your facility offers 24-hour access, this is not a major issue for you.
  5. Read the Rental Agreement – while this may seem redundant, it is important to read the rental agreement and pay attention to the specific terms, rental duration, and any restrictions on the stored items.


Factors that Affect Your Storage Unit Prices

There are many different factors that will determine the price of a storage unit. First and foremost, the location will heavily influence the price of a storage unit. Furthermore, the unit size and type of unit will also play a major factor. The duration of your rental agreement will also play a factor; longer contracts will earn better rates. The facility amenities and security measures will influence the price, the more amenities and security measures, the higher the price. Finally, the unit availability could affect the price as the laws of supply and demand come into play here!


Contact Jordan River Moving for Renting a Storage Unit

In conclusion, whether you’re preparing for a move, decluttering your living space, or need a secure location for your belongings, renting a storage unit is the solution you’re looking for. Jordan River Moving is a top choice for all your storage needs. With a solid reputation for excellence, our facilities offer advanced security, flexible options, and a dedicated team ready to assist you. Take the next step toward a clutter-free, organized life by contacting Jordan River Moving today and experience the convenience and peace of mind of choosing a trusted partner for your storage requirements. Your possessions deserve the best, and Jordan River Moving is here to provide it.



A Guide For A Successful Office Relocation

office furniture moving


Did you originally rent a cheaper office space in a low-traffic spot when your budget was tight? Maybe you’ve always had plenty of customers but want to move to a larger space for your growing company. Whatever your reason, any successful office relocation begins with the appropriate office moving checklist.

At Jordan River Moving and Storage, our local commercial movers in Seattle, Portland, Kirkland, and Columbia understand moving isn’t as simple as packing everything into boxes. We also know it takes months of advanced planning to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Below, we share what we’ve learned about the process, including the must-dos on your checklist for office moves.


How to Prepare for an Office Move

Start preparing at least 12 months before the move by checking when your lease is up since leaving early may cost you your deposit. And if the space you’re leaving isn’t up to par, you may be financially responsible for anything from equipment breakages to chipped walls and scuffed floors. It’s far easier to legally end your lease with as few costs as possible to set aside more funds toward the relocation.

You might also want to use this time to alert others of the move. Alongside providing official notice to your property manager or landlord, relay vital dates to your employees, such as:

  • Current lease termination date
  • New lease signing date
  • Desired moving day

Keeping them in the loop as plans unfold streamlines the decommissioning plan. They can also help iron out the finer details, like adding new contact information to ads or updating the website.


the office moving on


Planning a Successful Office Relocation

Once you understand the timeline, planning an office move is easier with an assigned project manager. They should have outstanding organizational and communication skills to stay within your budget while helping the relocation along. They can also assign decommissioning tasks, from removing logos and replacing bulbs to backing up data, so you won’t lose anything in transition.

A professional moving company could assist with this planning, particularly around safely packing, transferring, and unpacking equipment. The movers will draft a plan with your project manager outlining where and when to move certain items (needed items remain on site longer).

And while you don’t have to hire movers immediately, comparing quotes early gives you options.


The Step-By-Step “Moving Office” Checklist

Once office moving kicks off, a step-by-step office moving checklist helps to prepare both spaces. Some of the checklist items will include the following:


Notify Others of the Change

Once you pin down the new location, let others know of your new address and contact information, including suppliers, vendors, and others, such as:


  • Post office
  • Bank
  • Government departments
  • Internet and phone providers
  • Companies you have subscriptions or accounts with

After settling into your new space, your new advertisements will also need to relay the location change so that you can retain old customers and find new ones.


Do Another Walk-Through of the New Office to Update Your Moving Office Checklist

You’ve probably already seen the new space, but how thorough was your first look? Revisit it to ensure all electrical and plumbing fixtures are working. However, you should also bring to the new landlord’s attention any hazards that could jeopardize your employees’ health and safety.

Also, get a feel for the floorspace to plan your new design layout. If you’re having trouble placing things for optimal flow or are unsure what to take with you, consider hiring a professional designer.


Deal with Current Inventory Before Moving Office Furniture

Professional designers will help immensely with planning office moves by creating a new layout for your movers to follow. Use this time to review your inventory and determine what you want to take with or throw out. Your office relocation checklist then demands revisiting the mover quotes before moving office furniture or other items from the inventory onto or off of your final list.


Ensure a Cost-Effective Process With the Office Moving On

With the office moving on the bigger and better things, creating a cost-effective move starts by setting a budget to facilitate the transition. How much are you willing to spend on top of the new lease? You should also start preparing (and repairing) your original space before vacating it to prevent unexpected damage costs.

After securing your new office space, research licensed and insured moving teams with competitive rates. Do you want more peace of mind? Put ‘acquire moving coverage’ on your office moving checklist.

Being flexible with your office move plan and budget will also eliminate some of the stress. You may have to cut corners, so consider what is and isn’t negotiable before you start the process.


business moving checklist


How Professional Office Relocation Services Can Help

Whether this is your first move or your biggest one yet, a business moving checklist is only the beginning. Hiring professional relocation services allows trained and experienced specialists to facilitate your office’s unique needs with the perfect moving office checklist to achieve your goals.

Why not focus on running your business while the relocation experts do the rest?


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Contact Jordan River Moving and Storage for Office Furniture Moving and Everything in Between

From office moving planning to help with the office furniture moving process, our qualified team has over 20 years in this industry. Our five-star team works from Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, and Columbia, SC, to help local, long-distance, and overseas clients relocate hassle-free.

For help with an office moving checklist or to request a quote, contact Jordan River Moving and Storage today!

How Moving Insurance Coverage Works?

moving insurance coverage


What Is Moving Insurance?

One of the greatest concerns homeowners have when moving to a new home is the safety and security of their possessions during the trip. Even a simple move down the street with help from a moving company can result in damaged, lost, or stolen goods. When it does, what course of action does the moving party have?

This is where moving insurance coverage comes into play. Insurance for moving (a.k.a. “valuation”) is how you can account for lost or damaged items after hiring a moving company to help pack and transport your belongings. There are several considerations to make when deciding whether you need moving company insurance coverage and how to choose the most appropriate option for your situation.


Do I Need Moving Insurance?

An important factor with moving insurance coverage is whether you even need it in the first place. Homeowners’ or renters’ insurance often covers belongings when moving, although it may only do so if the move remains local and under the same policy. If you’re moving out of state, it’s critical to read over your insurance policy carefully to prevent surprises.

Moving insurance is sometimes the only way to guarantee you’ll receive compensation for any mishaps while moving to your new home. Here are a few considerations to make when deciding whether you need moving insurance:

  • How much your items are worth, together and individually
  • Whether you can easily replace damaged property
  • The chance of inclement weather like hurricanes, tornadoes, or snowstorms
  • The areas you’ll be driving through and staying at for multi-day trips
  • Whether the moving truck breaks down or is involved in an accident
  • If any of your possessions are stolen during the trip


Types of Moving Insurance to Consider When Hiring Movers

How does moving insurance work? That depends on the moving company you go with and which of its options you choose. If you hire movers and decide to get insurance, it’s important to know what coverage they offer along with their moving services in case of an accident during transportation.


Basic Moving Insurance

Also known as released value protection, this coverage is available at no added cost and provides minimal coverage for your belongings at around 60 cents per pound, regardless of value. So, if you have a five-pound computer chair that costs $300 and it gets lost or damaged in transit, basic moving insurance will only compensate you up to $3. Moving companies must offer released value protection because of a federal law requiring valuation options, but always be sure to ask before committing to a move.


Full-Value Protection

Per its name, full-value protection moving insurance provides complete coverage during transportation. As you might expect, this is the most expensive insurance option, but it provides total peace of mind. If any of your belongings become damaged, lost, or stolen, the mover can repair, replace, or pay you a cash settlement to cover the value. You’ll need to pay one to two percent of the item’s cost upfront to get full-value protection, with moving companies and states often having minimum value requirements.


Third-Party Insurance

Some movers offer additional insurance through a third party. This works similarly to released value protection but adds coverage at a cost. How much coverage you get depends on the moving company’s insurance requirements, so comparing different movers is in your best interest.


Moving Insurance Coverage

Is moving insurance worth it? That depends on your situation. Checking your insurance coverage is vital when moving. This means learning what your homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policy covers and whether you should seek additional insurance through a mover or third party.

If you choose moving insurance, be aware of the costs so you can make an informed decision. If you must transport several highly valuable items, getting moving insurance coverage is probably in your best interest. This is especially true when looking at full-value protection, which often requires additional costs as a deductible to cover higher-value items.


What Isn’t Covered by a Moving Company?

Insurance isn’t a catch-all when you select a company and policy to cover your property. Sometimes, insurance won’t compensate you for losses or aid you when filing a claim. Your mover may have limited liability if any of the following happen during a move:

  • Failing to inform the movers about perishables and hazardous materials
  • Packing your own items into boxes to reduce costs
  • Not communicating the high value of certain items in writing
  • Encountering civil unrest like riots and strikes
  • Damage from natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes
  • Claims filed outside the company’s policy period


Choose the Best Moving Insurance for Your Needs – Jordan River Moving & Storage

Jordan River Moving & Storage offers the best moving insurance coverage for home and business owners to ensure a seamless experience from start to finish. We understand the risk of transporting your items and go to great lengths to protect them with the utmost professionalism and care. We also know accidents can happen when you least expect them, so we come prepared with various policies to give you peace of mind while moving to your new home.

Reach out to us today through our Contact Us page today to learn more about the coverage and valuation we provide to residents in multiple locations between Washington, Vancouver, and South Carolina. By putting your trust in us, you can focus on what matters most: getting into your new home safely.